4The Spy 4CAN drive! In early 1993, an article appeared in the 34th issue of RAW,1 making relatively big waves in the scene. The SPY: best coder, worst driver - 2we don't think so!1 As far as we are concerned (very), The Spy is a relatively good driver, and he succeeded in passing his driving exam, he hasn't failed! Actually, we know it from 2the subject himself, The Spy.1 Jean was there when the production team (Kyd, Balle, The Spy, etc.) was reading that issue of RAW, and here is their comment (parental guidance - explicit words): 2 "This is totally untrue bullshit!!"1 Well, it was not a very offending article, but it got The Spy quite pissed... His driving abilities are good, nothing of the 3"beware when he is coming"1 stuff is true. 3RAW - Please try harder1 @IPaustralC